
Andres Jaimes

Creating a simple static library

This article describes how to create a simple static library using C++. A static library is a collection of object files that are linked with and copied into a target application at compile time. The resulting executable contains all the object code from the static library, so it can be executed independently of the library. Static library Let’s start by creating a simple square class: // src/square.h #ifndef SQUARE_H #define SQUARE_H class square { private: double length; public: square(double length); double area(); }; #endif and its corresponding implementation:

Creating a simple dynamic library

This article describes how to create a simple shared library using C++. A shared library is a collection of object files that are linked with and loaded into a target application at runtime. The resulting executable contains only the object code that is needed to load the shared library, for this reason, the library has to be distributed with the executable. Shared library Let’s start by creating a simple sum.c program using C.

Compiling and Debugging Oracle's Pro*C files in OS-X / Xcode

Part of my work as a Web/UNIX developer includes maintenance and development of tools using Oracle’s Pro*C. In text interfaces, VIM is a pretty decent tool for creating source code and their companion make files. If you created the right make file, compiling is also a breeze. However things get kind of tricky when you have to debug. Oh my! This can be a difficult task. Many may say that there’s nothing like gdb, but come on guys, even you can’t deny the beauty of a visual debugger.

A simple Makefile

Learning how to create a Makefile is one of those tasks every C/C++ programmer has to do. Since there are many good make tutorials on the web, I’m only going to share a simplistic makefile that you can use for your projects. CFLAGS=-c -Wall -Iinclude LDFLAGS=-lPocoFoundation -lPocoData SOURCES=a.cpp b.cpp main.cpp OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) VPATH=src all: pre $(OBJECTS) g++ $(OBJECTS) -o build/main $(LDFLAGS) .cpp.o: g++ $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ pre: mkdir -p build clean: rm -Rf build rm -f *.

How to setup a FastCGI development environment in CentOS 6

Install the development environment Install the C/C++ development tools to your server: yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake Now, before installing fcgi we need to add the epel repository: rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm Once it is installed we can proceed to get the fcgi packages: yum install fcgi-devel spawn-fcgi Let’s see if we can compile a simple file. Create a file named example.c and copy and paste the following code in it:

Two ways to create a Hello World application with Wt (Witty)

Let’s start by talking a little bit about some elements and methods you will find in the code. Inheriting from WApplication or WContainerWidget are the most common ways to start an application using Wt. A WApplication instance will be in charge of creating your html, head and body tags. A WContainerWidget is usually a div tag (it can also be turned into a ul or ol by using its setList method).

How to install Wt (Witty) on Windows

Installing Wt can be a challenging task if you don’t have the right tools. I spent many days trying to make it work with MinGW and Visual Studio 2005. No luck. Here are some of my results: MinGW I was never able to make a full compile. It was interrupted by this or that reason. I could never get any of the examples to work. Visual C++ Express 2005 Some of the examples worked, however only in “Release” mode.

Installing gcc/g++ using MinGW and NetBeans in Windows

C and C++ languages are everywhere. All operating systems use them. People usually choose them because of their limitless power, velocity of execution, great portability and much more. In this tutorial I will show you how to install a C/C++ development environment under Windows. By the way, MinGW includes other compilers for languages like c, c++, objective c fortran and ada.  Install MinGW Go to the MinGW websiteand look for the download link.