
Andres Jaimes

How to install the C++ Boost Libraries on Windows

Boost is a set of high-quality libraries that speed up C++ development. They are included in most linux distributions and some of them are already part of the C++ Standard Library. In the Windows environment, you have to install them in order to take advantage of them. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, you can avoid the following steps by downloading a binary version from http://www.boostpro.com/download/and skip to the Testing section in this document.

One-liner to minimize your CSS files

The following one-liner will help you remove comments, spaces, and more from your CSS files. Suggestions are always welcomed. Important: Before running this command, create a copy of your original file. Try the resulting CSS in a test environment before releasing it. cat style.css | sed -e ' s/^[ t]*//g; # leading spaces s/[ t]*$//g; # trailing spaces s/([:{;,]) /1/g; # spaces after a colon, brace, semicolon, or comma s/ {/{/g; # spaces before a brace /^$/d # blank lines ' | sed -e :a -e '$!

Installing gcc/g++ using MinGW and NetBeans in Windows

C and C++ languages are everywhere. All operating systems use them. People usually choose them because of their limitless power, velocity of execution, great portability and much more. In this tutorial I will show you how to install a C/C++ development environment under Windows. By the way, MinGW includes other compilers for languages like c, c++, objective c fortran and ada.  Install MinGW Go to the MinGW websiteand look for the download link.

Switch from Debug to Release build options in Delphi

Unlike Microsoft’s Visual Studio, the option to switch from Debug to Release in Delphi is kind of hidden. However, it is very easy to use. Go to the Project menu and select Configuration Manager Now select your project, Choose a new configuration and Press the “play” button.  The following picture shows you how the Configuration Manager looks: By default, the difference between the Debug and the Release options include:

How to create high definition images for the iPad Retina display

So you got a new iPad and realized your images do not look as good as they do on your computer, right? Don’t worry, there is a very simple way to achieve good looking images on this device: If you want to create a 500 x 500 px on a Retina display, create an image at 1000 x 1000 and then use CSS to control the image size down to 500 x 500:

Working with dynamic arrays in Delphi

One advantage of Delphi’s dynamic arrays is that they are automatically freed once they go out of scope. That simplifies memory management and gives you more flexibility on your applications. You can declare a dynamic array like this: Customers: array of string;  Before adding an element, you have to call the SetLength function to specify the number of elements you are going to use (3 in this case): SetLength(Customers, 3);  Now you can go ahead adding values:

Tips to help you deal with Delphi Threads

Multithreading is one of those operating systems feaures that make your programs work in a more efficient way and give your users a better interactive interface. However they are not used by all developers. In this article I will focus on some important points you must have in mind when using threads on Delphi.  How to create them There are two simple steps to accomplish it: Create a new class that inherits from TThread and Override the Execute method.

Minor changes

I have applied some minor changes to this website: caching – to improve performance – and micro-blogging entries. Later I will add some style to the micro-entries.

How to manage local or remote services from command line

Starting or stopping services on Windows is a task commonly performed by using the Services snap-in on the MMC console. From time to time you want to perform such tasks from the command line. A possible reason for this is when you are creating scripts (batch files). To achieve this, you have two options: net for managing local services and sc.exe for remote ones. The net command is included in your default Windows installation.

Exchange: The database files in this storage are inconsistent

This morning I got a new surprise from my Exchange server. Outlook clients could not connect to the servers, however the server seemed to be working pretty normal. After some research I found out the Exchange databases were corrupted. But, how did this happen? Well, they can get corrupted when Windows is not shutdown in a proper way, or a service or process misbehavior leaves them in an inconsistent state or when there are physical errors on your hard disk.