Oracle Snippets
This post will be updated with snippets for Oracle. I hope you find it useful.
1. Change the default date format
Most useful snippet of the year! 😉
select sysdate from dual;
2. Escape single quotes and ampersands on strings
Single quotes:
select 'D''Angelo''s' from dual;
3. Adjust page width and size
set pagesize 1000
set linesize 100
4. Truncate a table
Be careful: You cannot roll back a TRUNCATE TABLE
truncate table mytable;
5. Send all output from sqlplus to an external log file
spool file.log
-- some commands here...
spool off
6. Load and execute in sqlplus a script from an external file
7. Print text – like a comment
PROMPT text to print;
8. Check if a table exists
select count(*) into v from all_tables where table_name='YOUR_TABLE';
if myCount = 0 then
insert into tableName values(1, 'a');
delete from tableName where id = 1;
insert into tableName values(1, 'b');
end if;
You can declare as many vars as you need in the declare section.
myCount integer;
select count(1) into myCount from aTable where aField = 1;
if myCount = 0 then
insert into tableName values(1, 'a');
delete from tableName where id = 1;
insert into tableName values(1, 'b');
end if;
Working with remote databases (db links)
Create a link to a remote server
create database link <my-connection-alias> connect to <my-user> identified by <my-password> using '<server:port/sid>';
Drop a link to a remote server
drop database link
Execute a “select” on a remote server
select count(*) from <my-remote-table>@<my-connection-alias>;
Create a local copy of a remote table
create table <my-local-table> as select * from <my-remote-table>@<my-connection-alias>;
Append data to a local table created from a remote table
insert into <my-local-table> * from <my-remote-table>@<my-connection-alias> where...;
Get a list of database links
select * from ALL_DB_LINKS;
You can choose from here:
- DBA_DB_LINKS: All db links in the database
- ALL_DB_LINKS: All db links the current user has access to
- USER_DB_LINKS: All db links owned by the current user
SQL Developer
Autoformat your SQL code:
ctrl + F7
Autoformat SQL code for other languages:
ctrl + shift + F7
Add a TNS file:
- Go to Tools > Preferences > Database > Advanced > Tnsnames Directory
Oracle XE
Common installation directory
Size of tablespaces
Oracle XE 11g has a space limit of 11Gb for the Users tablespace (all others do not add up to this total). If your tablespace for Users says something like 99% of 300Mb, don’t worry, it will keep growing until it reaches its max limit.
SELECT /* + RULE */ df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
df.bytes / (1024 * 1024) "Size (MB)",
SUM(fs.bytes) / (1024 * 1024) "Free (MB)",
Nvl(Round(SUM(fs.bytes) * 100 / df.bytes),1) "% Free",
Round((df.bytes - SUM(fs.bytes)) * 100 / df.bytes) "% Used"
FROM dba_free_space fs,
(SELECT tablespace_name,SUM(bytes) bytes
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name) df
WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) = df.tablespace_name
GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,df.bytes
SELECT /* + RULE */ df.tablespace_name tspace,
fs.bytes / (1024 * 1024),
SUM(df.bytes_free) / (1024 * 1024),
Nvl(Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_used) * 100 / fs.bytes), 1),
Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_free) * 100 / fs.bytes)
FROM dba_temp_files fs,
(SELECT tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used
FROM v$temp_space_header
GROUP BY tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used) df
WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) = df.tablespace_name
GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,fs.bytes,df.bytes_free,df.bytes_used