
Andres Jaimes

Installing the PHP/MongoDB extension on Mac OSX 10.8

Installing PHP/MongoDB extension is a two steps task on OSX: Install the autoconf tool required for compiling the extension Install the Mongo extension You have to install autoconf in order to avoid the following error: Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable. Then, rerun this script. ERROR: `phpize’ failed Enough talk, hands on work…  Step 1. Install the autoconf tool Download the latest source version:

Creating Shortcodes in WordPress

Shortcodes enable developers to create special kinds of content, following the idea of macros. One very famous short code is “gallery” needed to insert a gallery of images into a post. The good thing about shortcode’s is that final users are free to decide where to insert them. WordPress’s Shortcode API handles all the tricky parsing, making developers life much easier. The following is a snippet for a Shortcode – in order to make it work you have to add it to your functions.

Add a Thumbnail to Admin Post Columns in WordPress

Here is a snippet to add 64×64 images to the Admin Post Columns in WordPress. Having thumbnails may result extremely helpful, specially if you have hundreds of posts. You have to copy and paste the following code into the functions.php file of your theme. function posts_columns($defaults){ $defaults['the_post_thumbs'] = __('Thumbs'); return $defaults; } function posts_custom_columns($column_name, $id){ if($column_name === 'the_post_thumbs'){ echo the_post_thumbnail( array(64, 64) ); } } add_filter('manage_posts_columns', 'posts_columns'); add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', 'posts_custom_columns', 10, 2);  Instead of array(64, 64) you can also use default image sizes like ‘featured_thumbnail’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘medium’, ‘large’ and ‘full’.

How to know if a hex color is light or dark

There is a simple way to know this. The following code takes white (#ffffff) divided it by two as our reference color. If the comparing color is lower than the reference color, then the given color is dark, otherwise it’s light color. function isLightOrDark($hexcolor) { return (hexdec($hexcolor) > 0xffffff/2) ? 'light color' : 'dark color'; }

How to Move a WordPress Blog to a New Domain or Location

Before trying the queries in this page, I recommend you to read this full article to learn more about the process. To update WordPress options with the new blog location, use the following SQL command: UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.old-domain.com', 'http://www.new-domain.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl'; After that you will need to fix URLs of the WordPress posts and pages, which translated from post slug, and stored in database wp_posts table as guid field.