
Andres Jaimes

Running Pentaho Data Integration on Mac OSX

Run Pentaho Data Integration on Mac OSX. The following procedure works with all the latest OSX versions. My local configuration OSX Mojave OpenJDK 11 Procedure Download pdi-ce- from https://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/ Unzip it Using the terminal, cd into the unzipped directory Run the application open Data\ Integration.app If you get the following error: LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file Data Integration.app then run the following command (it is permissions related):

Compiling and Debugging Oracle's Pro*C files in OS-X / Xcode

Part of my work as a Web/UNIX developer includes maintenance and development of tools using Oracle’s Pro*C. In text interfaces, VIM is a pretty decent tool for creating source code and their companion make files. If you created the right make file, compiling is also a breeze. However things get kind of tricky when you have to debug. Oh my! This can be a difficult task. Many may say that there’s nothing like gdb, but come on guys, even you can’t deny the beauty of a visual debugger.

How to create a Finder Alias on Mac

A Finder alias is a special kind of shortcut or link to a folder. You can place this alias anywhere, being the Desktop a common place. You can even create an alias from a shared folder on a server. To create an alias: Open Finder and look for the folder you want to create an alias for. Press Option + Command while you click and drag the folder to the desktop.

Useful vim commands

Even though we have many sophisticated GUI text editors, there is one that has passed all time tests: vi. vi is a text editor created originally for Unix in 1976. Are you kidding? 1976? Why should I even bother to know it exists? Because that is the only text editor you will find for sure in any Unix like command line environment, that includes any Unix flavor, Linux and Macs. Believe me, there are many times when you have no other way to edit files (like webpages, php’s, css’s) but from the command line.

Show User Library Directory in Mac OS X Lion

Show User ~/Library in OS X Lion Launch Terminal from Spotlight or Launchpad > Utilities, and enter the following command to show the directory: `` chflags nohidden ~/Library/ The users Library folder will immediately become visible. Reverting this back to the standard Lion setting is simple too: Hide User ~/Library in OS X Lion (default setting) This returns to the default setting of hiding the user Library directory: ``