
Andres Jaimes

Installing Java 1.6 on CentOS 6

Java 1.5 is the default Java version you get when you ask yum to install it on CentOS. However, several applications need 1.6 in order to run. Just follow the next steps to install it. Remove Java 1.5 yum remove java-1.5-* Install the rpmforge repository cd rpm --import http://apt.sw.be/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt Check if you have a 32 or 64 CentOS version uname -a For 32 versions (i686) download and install the following repository

iptables snippets

iptables is the default firewall you see on any linux computer. It works by allowing (ACCEPTing) or denying (DROPing) connections to the local computer. There are basically three scenarios you can deal with: INPUT: Connections generated from a different computer targeting yours; for example, when you run a web server on your computer and others want to connect to it. OUTPUT: Connections generated from your computer targeting other computers; for example, when you open a web page or open a remote ssh session.

Installing MongoDB/PHP Driver on CentOS 6

Since the module is not included with the default PHP installation, you have to download it from the official repository: cd mkdir mongo-php-driver cd mongo-php-driver curl https://codeload.github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/zip/master > mongo-php-driver-master.zip Unzip it unzip mongo-php-driver-master.zip cd mongo-php-driver-master You need _phpize _to build the module. You can install it from the remi repository: wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm rpm -Uvh remi-release-6.rpm yum --enablerepo=remi install php-devel Configure and build phpize ./configure make all sudo make install Make sure the installation directory is the same as the PHP extension directory by running:

Installing MongoDB on CentOS 6

The first step is to configure the repositories. Create the following file /etc/yum.repos.d/10gen.repo with the following contents: For 32-bit systems: [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/i686 gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 For 64-bit systems: [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/x86_64 gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 Install Mongo yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server  Configure MongoDB You can configure Mongo by editing the following file: /etc/mongod.conf Set Mongo to autostart on system boot: chkconfig mongod on Start Mongo service mongod start Stop Mongo

How to setup a FastCGI development environment in CentOS 6

Install the development environment Install the C/C++ development tools to your server: yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake Now, before installing fcgi we need to add the epel repository: rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm Once it is installed we can proceed to get the fcgi packages: yum install fcgi-devel spawn-fcgi Let’s see if we can compile a simple file. Create a file named example.c and copy and paste the following code in it:

One-liner to minimize your CSS files

The following one-liner will help you remove comments, spaces, and more from your CSS files. Suggestions are always welcomed. Important: Before running this command, create a copy of your original file. Try the resulting CSS in a test environment before releasing it. cat style.css | sed -e ' s/^[ t]*//g; # leading spaces s/[ t]*$//g; # trailing spaces s/([:{;,]) /1/g; # spaces after a colon, brace, semicolon, or comma s/ {/{/g; # spaces before a brace /^$/d # blank lines ' | sed -e :a -e '$!

How to manage local or remote services from command line

Starting or stopping services on Windows is a task commonly performed by using the Services snap-in on the MMC console. From time to time you want to perform such tasks from the command line. A possible reason for this is when you are creating scripts (batch files). To achieve this, you have two options: net for managing local services and sc.exe for remote ones. The net command is included in your default Windows installation.

Exchange: The database files in this storage are inconsistent

This morning I got a new surprise from my Exchange server. Outlook clients could not connect to the servers, however the server seemed to be working pretty normal. After some research I found out the Exchange databases were corrupted. But, how did this happen? Well, they can get corrupted when Windows is not shutdown in a proper way, or a service or process misbehavior leaves them in an inconsistent state or when there are physical errors on your hard disk.

How I made my HP LaserJet P1102w work with my iPad

I got an HP LaserJet P1102w about a year ago, so long before I thought I was going to get an Apple’s iOS device. I purchased it just because I thought it would be useful to have a printer that could work wirelessly. At that time I made it work using wireless, but for some reason it stopped working. I didn’t care because it was very simple to connect it via USB to my computer and get my stuff done.

Free Image Resizer for Windows

This time I want to share with you a Windows application for image resizing. It’s a fact, size matters. That is why Image Resizer can be very useful for sharing pictures through email, uploading images to websites or posting them to social networks. If your images are smaller, then it will take you less time to share them. This application can load a list of jpeg, gif, png or bmp files, resize them and then put them on a selected folder.