
Andres Jaimes

How to install postgres on FreeBSD

PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used by developers and organizations around the world. FreeBSD, a free and open-source operating system, is well-known for its reliability, performance, and security features. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of installing PostgreSQL in FreeBSD. Whether you’re a developer or a system administrator, this step-by-step tutorial will help you get started with it.

Online JSON validator and formatter

Welcome to our online JSON validator, a tool for validating and formatting JSON code. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used format for storing and exchanging data on the web. Our validator helps you check that your JSON code is correctly formatted, and error-free. Whether you’re a developer or just starting with JSON, our tool will make your work easier and more efficient. Simply copy and paste your JSON code into the input field, and let our validator do the rest.

APA citation formatter for online resources

The APA citation style is a widely-used academic citation format developed by the American Psychological Association. It provides guidelines for citing sources in written works, such as research papers, essays, and academic publications. The style includes specific formatting and citation rules for various types of sources, including books, articles, websites, and more. The main goal of the APA citation style is to ensure accuracy and clarity in citing sources, while also providing a standard format for referencing that allows readers to easily locate and verify the sources used in a written work.

Setting up node and typescript

This article describes the creation process of a node application with TypeScript. Installing nvm There are multiple ways to install node but we have picked the nvm path. This method will allow us to have multiple versions of node installed on the computer. We have to make sure that xcode command line tools are installed. We can trigger the installation by trying a command like cc on the terminal. Run the following command to install nvm:

Microservices Design and Best Practices

Some of my notes and best practices learned over the years designing and developing microservices. UI Thin layer. Do not add any business logic to this layer. Contains React code and may contain web assets. Has a shared look and feel that provides a visual consistency to the project. It is a web application, like Play, to allow us to set and remove cookies and delegate calls to the proxy.

Calling a DLL from MQL

There are times when we want access to additional data structures and function libraries than the ones provided by MetaTrader’s MQL. Besides native open-source MQL options, we can create our own Dynamic Link Library (DLL) in C# or C++ and link it to our programs. In this article, we research how to connect to DLLs created with these languages. We must keep in mind that the code generated by C# is managed code running on the .

Parsing Json with the Play Framework

This article discusses different common scenarios for JSON parsing and conversion, useful when working with the Play Framework library. All the examples in the article, use one or more of the following library imports: import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsError, JsNull, JsPath, JsResult, JsString, JsSuccess, JsValue, Json, OFormat, Reads} The first import is required to use the special and and or functions found through the examples below. JSON that matches property names The first snippet allows us to parse different basic data types from a json-formatted input.

Scala Lectures

A curated list of Scala lectures on functional programming and design patterns. Functional programming design patterns Wlaschin, Scott. “Functional programming design patterns.” 30 Aug 2015, youtu.be/E8I19uA-wGY In object-oriented development, we are all familiar with design patterns such as the Strategy pattern and Decorator pattern, and design principles such as SOLID. The functional programming community has design patterns and principles as well. This talk will provide an overview of some of these, and present some demonstrations of FP design in practice.

Using Cats Effect IO with the Play Framework

Cats Effect IO operations have to be performed at the highest level possible. So when working with the Play Framework the solution is to execute unsafeToFuture() in the controller methods. def get = Action.async { implicit request => service.get().map { items => Ok(Json.toJson(items)) }.unsafeToFuture() } We can as well write an Action implementation that automatically calls unsafeToFuture: object IOHttp { implicit class ActionBuilderOps[+R[_], B](ab: ActionBuilder[R, B]) { import cats.effect.implicits._ def asyncF[F[_] : Effect](cb: R[B] => F[Result]): Action[B] = ab.

Cats Effect IO - Retry with backoff pattern

Scala example for using the retry-with-backoff pattern with Cats Effect IO.