
Andres Jaimes

A purely functional example using Scala

On this tutorial we’re going to explore the basics of purely functional programming using Scala. One of the principles with purely functional style, is that we have to define concepts in terms of functions. The basics: Comparing a number We’re going to create a simple function that lets us compare a number to a previously stored number in a purely functional way. For that, we can define the following function:

Examples of ‘for’ queries with Scala

On this page you are going to find some examples of ‘for’ queries. Let’s start by defining the following database: case class Book(title: String, authors: List[String]) val books: List[Book] = List( Book("structure and interpretation of computer programs", List("abelson, harald", "sussman, gerald j.")), Book("introduction to functional programming", List("bird, richard", "wadler, phil")), Book("effective java", List("bloch, joshua")), Book("java puzzlers", List("bloch, joshua", "gafter, neal")), Book("programming in scala", List("odersky, martin", "spoon, lex", "venners, bill")) ) Find the titles of books whose author’s name is ‘bird’