
Andres Jaimes

A simple C++/Wt (Witty) skeleton for starting an application

The objective of this lesson is to show you how to make a simple web page navigation using Wt. Before starting you have to remember that Wt can be used to create 1 URL applications. That means you can have a full application that runs using just one URL. However it is also useful to give your users different URL’s to take advantage of some browser features like bookmarks or the back and forward buttons.

Creating a simple form using C++/Wt (Witty)

In this entry I’m going to create a simple form. This form will show you how to use controls and events in a very simple way. A couple things you have to notice before we start: I’m going to inherit from WContainerWidget. As you now know, I could have inherited from WApplication too. Most controls like, WLabel, WLineEdit and WPushButton include a “parent” parameter in their constructors. But you can also create them and add them later to any WContainerWidget.

Two ways to create a Hello World application with Wt (Witty)

Let’s start by talking a little bit about some elements and methods you will find in the code. Inheriting from WApplication or WContainerWidget are the most common ways to start an application using Wt. A WApplication instance will be in charge of creating your html, head and body tags. A WContainerWidget is usually a div tag (it can also be turned into a ul or ol by using its setList method).

How to install Wt (Witty) on Windows

Installing Wt can be a challenging task if you don’t have the right tools. I spent many days trying to make it work with MinGW and Visual Studio 2005. No luck. Here are some of my results: MinGW I was never able to make a full compile. It was interrupted by this or that reason. I could never get any of the examples to work. Visual C++ Express 2005 Some of the examples worked, however only in “Release” mode.

How to install the C++ Boost Libraries on Windows

Boost is a set of high-quality libraries that speed up C++ development. They are included in most linux distributions and some of them are already part of the C++ Standard Library. In the Windows environment, you have to install them in order to take advantage of them. If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, you can avoid the following steps by downloading a binary version from http://www.boostpro.com/download/and skip to the Testing section in this document.