
Andres Jaimes

Installing the PHP/MongoDB extension on Mac OSX 10.8

Installing PHP/MongoDB extension is a two steps task on OSX: Install the autoconf tool required for compiling the extension Install the Mongo extension You have to install autoconf in order to avoid the following error: Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable. Then, rerun this script. ERROR: `phpize’ failed Enough talk, hands on work…  Step 1. Install the autoconf tool Download the latest source version:

A simple Makefile

Learning how to create a Makefile is one of those tasks every C/C++ programmer has to do. Since there are many good make tutorials on the web, I’m only going to share a simplistic makefile that you can use for your projects. CFLAGS=-c -Wall -Iinclude LDFLAGS=-lPocoFoundation -lPocoData SOURCES=a.cpp b.cpp main.cpp OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) VPATH=src all: pre $(OBJECTS) g++ $(OBJECTS) -o build/main $(LDFLAGS) .cpp.o: g++ $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ pre: mkdir -p build clean: rm -Rf build rm -f *.

How I made my HP LaserJet P1102w work with my iPad

I got an HP LaserJet P1102w about a year ago, so long before I thought I was going to get an Apple’s iOS device. I purchased it just because I thought it would be useful to have a printer that could work wirelessly. At that time I made it work using wireless, but for some reason it stopped working. I didn’t care because it was very simple to connect it via USB to my computer and get my stuff done.

Show User Library Directory in Mac OS X Lion

Show User ~/Library in OS X Lion Launch Terminal from Spotlight or Launchpad > Utilities, and enter the following command to show the directory: `` chflags nohidden ~/Library/ The users Library folder will immediately become visible. Reverting this back to the standard Lion setting is simple too: Hide User ~/Library in OS X Lion (default setting) This returns to the default setting of hiding the user Library directory: ``